“O Fantasma do Som”. Um musical radiofônico com recursos de Audiodescrição e interpretação de LIBRAS.
Descrição: o convite com fundo bege, listras largas na cor marrom claro, que convergem para o centro, e borda listrada de marrom, escrito com letras pretas e vermelhas, é ilustrado pelas fotos dos personagens, dentro de estrelas douradas. No lado esquerdo superior esquerdo, estão: Suzete Rupião, Neuza Maria, Cid Farnel e Constantina Constante. Na lateral direita, estão: Pino Azambuja, Mercedes Azambuja, o fantasma de Janete Azambuja, Mary Lee, Cidinha Bisteca, Abdias Conceição do Nascimento e Urgel Pitomba. No lado inferior esquerdo, o desenho de um microfone em um pedestal e nele está escrito: Estreia 2 de março. No rodapé, as logomarcas dos apoiadores, produção e realização.
Prefeitura de São Paulo, Secretaria da Cultura, Fomento ao Teatro, Centro Cultural São Paulo e Banda Mirim convidam para as apresentações do musical radiofônico para todas as idades: O FANTASMA DO SOM, com audiodescrição e interpretação de LIBRAS.
Texto e direção de Marcelo Romagnoli. Com Alexandre Faria, Claudia Missura, Edu Mantovani, Foquinha, Lelena Anhaia, Nina Blauth, Nô Stopa, Olívio Filho, Rubi, Simone Julian e Tata Fernandes.
Apresentação com intérprete de LIBRAS
Data: 22/03 (sexta feira)
Horário: 14:30 horas
Local: Centro Cultural São Paulo – Sala Jardel Filho.
Endereço: Rua Vergueiro, 1000, Paraíso.
Agendamento (11)3397-4036 com Flávia ou [email protected]
Apresentação com Audiodescrição
Data: 23/03 (sábado)
Horário: 16:00 horas
Local: Centro Cultural São Paulo – Sala Jardel Filho.
Endereço: Rua Vergueiro, 1000, Paraíso.
Favor confirmar presença pelo email: [email protected] e chegar com meia hora de antecedência.
Sobre a peça: num estúdio sonoro vive um fantasma que acompanha a gravação da radionovela que pode salvar a emissora da falência. O novo musical da premiada Banda Mirim – com 12 artistas em cena – brinca com as várias possibilidades do som e propõe a misteriosa arte de ouvir.
Duração: 60 min. Gênero: Musical. Idade: Livre.
Audiodescrição: VER COM PALAVRAS
Fonte: Ver com Palavras
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“O Fantasma do Som”. Um musical radiofônico com recursos de Audiodescrição e interpretação de LIBRAS.
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?Thought, word, and deed action are the foundations of all of our creations. Thought creates at one level, words create at a higher level, and the action that we take concerning those thoughts and words is what manifests them into our reality. The action part of creation is where the rubber meets the road. This is where you actually have to “do” the steps necessary to create your reality from a non-physical thought to a physical reality. The act of creation is a three-part system and,celine, just as in all of nature, there is a beautiful symmetry here. We are made up in human form as a three-part being: mind,celine bag,I suddenly feel tir, body and spirit. When we create,celine pures, we coordinate our creative process into our human process. It works like this: The soul conceives with thought, the mind creates with words, and the body experiences with deeds. We can now understand the importance of balance in the mind-body-spirit connection. When we create in harmony with our beingness we work at a very high level of creation. We still create even if we are not in full harmony in this triune combination, because the spirit side of us is always with us even if it is being ignored. Within the separation paradigm of life we subscribe to the belief that we are mostly a mind and a body. In fact,celine handbag, most of us have not cultivated our minds for quite a while often since high school and think of ourselves as mostly a body. This level of awareness, of thinking that you are mostly a body, makes it easy to buy into the separation mentality.
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Artigos relacionados
Teleton AACD. A pessoa com deficiência como protagonista.
Teleton AACD. A pessoa com deficiência como protagonista. Uma iniciativa internacional abraçada pelo SBT no Brasil.
Acessibilidade no ESG. Equipotel aborda o tema para o turismo.
Acessibilidade no ESG, para o mercado do turismo. Equipotel aborda a importância da inclusão da pessoa com deficiência.
Morte Sobre Rodas. Filme inclusivo foi candidato ao Oscar.
Morte Sobre Rodas. Dois protagonistas do filme, são pessoas com deficiência, um usuário de cadeira de rodas e outro com paralisia cerebral.
Impressive content is the way I am going to describe this article for starters. Your gift for original informative content is unsurpassed on this subject.
?Thought, word, and deed action are the foundations of all of our creations. Thought creates at one level, words create at a higher level, and the action that we take concerning those thoughts and words is what manifests them into our reality. The action part of creation is where the rubber meets the road. This is where you actually have to “do” the steps necessary to create your reality from a non-physical thought to a physical reality. The act of creation is a three-part system and,celine, just as in all of nature, there is a beautiful symmetry here. We are made up in human form as a three-part being: mind,celine bag,I suddenly feel tir, body and spirit. When we create,celine pures, we coordinate our creative process into our human process. It works like this: The soul conceives with thought, the mind creates with words, and the body experiences with deeds. We can now understand the importance of balance in the mind-body-spirit connection. When we create in harmony with our beingness we work at a very high level of creation. We still create even if we are not in full harmony in this triune combination, because the spirit side of us is always with us even if it is being ignored. Within the separation paradigm of life we subscribe to the belief that we are mostly a mind and a body. In fact,celine handbag, most of us have not cultivated our minds for quite a while often since high school and think of ourselves as mostly a body. This level of awareness, of thinking that you are mostly a body, makes it easy to buy into the separation mentality.