This trailhead will provide year-around shelter, bathrooms, and fire pit and informational signage to recreationists in Elk City that is accessible to disabled veterans, senior citizens and others.

“The trailhead is a popular gateway to the Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest for motorized recreationists in an area where none previously existed,” FOC executive director Joyce Dearstyne noted in a Jan. 28 news release. “Due to Elk City’s proximity to the National Forest, access to motorized trails that come into town, and its location as the southernmost point of the proposed Clearwater Basin Gem Trail, make it an ideal site for recreationists of all abilities to park, visit and gather as they travel form Avery to Elk City.”

The trailhead facility will be a destination used by ATV and snowmobile riders, motorbike riders, hunters, visitors to the area, and community members. It will function as a gathering place for handicapped and other riders before and after trail rides.

It will also provide shelter from the weather, act as an information center and provide bathroom facilities which will all be ADA accessible.

Kiosk postings will encourage responsible use of the surrounding trails and inform visitors of the diverse recreational opportunities within the National Forest. Wildfire information and other emergency information will be posted.

Framing Our Community is applying for an Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, Recreational Trail Program Grant to assist in making the pavilion, bathrooms, fire pit and informational signage ADA accessible.

Members of the Dust Devils ATV Club and Framing Our Community have made a commitment of volunteer labor and staff towards this project.

“Grant support from the Recreational Trail Program will fund the materials and concrete needed to allow access to all of the trailhead structure,” Deerstyne noted. “Development of this ADA Trailhead facility will improve recreational and tourism opportunities for all motorized recreational users, families, veterans, and visitors to Elk City and the Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest.”

Contact Dearstyne at Framing Our Community, P. O. Box 321, Elk City, ID 83525, 842-2939, or [email protected].

Source: Idaho County Free Press

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