Acessibilidade em Foco

Blog sobre acessibilidade e turismo ao redor do mundo

Around the world in a wheelchair

Around the world in a wheelchair

Cory Lee Woodard's muscular dystrophy put him in a wheelchair at age 4, but it hasn't kept him from swimming in Iceland's Blue Lagoon or enjoying Malibu beaches. Now, at age 25, his highly...

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Wheelchair accessible tuk-tuk debuts

Wheelchair accessible tuk-tuk debuts

The maker of a new tuk-tuk prototype retrofitted with a wheelchair ramp hopes to usher in a new era of wheelchair-friendly travel in Phnom Penh. Ian Jones, a consultant for the Agile Development...

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El turismo accesible viaja a Fitur

El turismo accesible viaja a Fitur

Un año más, la Feria Internacional del Turismo, Fitur, que tiene lugar en el recinto Ifema de Madrid, ha abierto sus puertas a un nicho de mercado que aún está por explorar: el de las personas con...

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